about me
Rabbi Gideon Shloush is the Director of the Department of Jewish Heritage at Keren Kayemet L'Yisrael in Jerusalem. Keren Kayemet (KKL), one of the foundational institutions of Israel, was established at the Fifth Zionist Conference held in Basil in 1901. In his position Rabbi Shloush is responsible for educational programming on behalf of Keren Kayemet. Working closely with rabbinic and professional leadership across Israel and around the world, his mission is to spread the values of Keren Kayemet and partner with like-minded institutions to strengthen the Jewish People’s connection to the land of Israel.
For the past twenty five years Rabbi Shloush has served as the rabbi of the historic Congregation Adereth El in Midtown Manhattan. Sitting at the crossroads to the world, Rabbi Shloush had engaged with rabbis and communal leaders of all denominations and faiths. Rabbi Shloush is a charismatic leader who has been an important part of the remarkable resurgence at Congregation Adereth El. Located in the heart of New York City – serving the Murray Hill, Gramercy Park, and Kips Bay neighborhoods of Midtown Manhattan – this 163 year old Synagogue is New York’s oldest Congregation on the same site. For the past 25 years, Rabbi Shloush has been the inspiration and coordinator of a wide variety of Jewish learning programs, lecture series, beginner’s services and social events at the historic synagogue, bringing in large groups of young singles and families. Under his leadership the synagogue membership has tripled, a magnificent Beit Midrash has been built and the synagogue underwent a major restoration for just the third time in its history. Rabbi Shloush has created strategic partnerships with organizations such as Manhattan Jewish Experience, Center for Return, Maor, NJOP, RAJE, The Jewish Flame and area universities to offer meaningful and impactful programming for the local Jewish community.
In April 2016 Rabbi Shloush was elected as the President of the New York Board of Rabbis. In this capacity Rabbi Shloush has met with the Pope, with the Secretary General at the United Nations, with members of the administration in the West Wing of the White House and with countless diplomats and interfaith leaders. The NYBR is comprised of more than 750 members across the tri-State area spanning the denominations: Orthodox, Conservative, Reform and Reconstructionist. A sampling of activities of the NYBR include close ties with leadership at the United Nations, warm relations with the Cardinal and interfaith communities, training in family violence protection, solidarity missions to Israel and support for chaplains (hospital, military and prison) to enable them to offer compassionate care. The NYBR is committed to helping those in need while at the same time being the face of the Jewish community to the broader public.
Rabbi Shloush serves in numerous leadership positions within the Jewish community. He recently completed a six year-term serving on the Board of Directors of the UJA-Federation of New York, the largest Federation in the USA. He was a judge with the Beth Din of America. He twice served on the Executive Committee of the Rabbinical Council of America. For eighteen years Rabbi Shloush was an adjunct professor at Stern College where he taught Bible and Jewish Studies. He also served as a chaplain with the Department of Homeland Security. Additionally, he served as Vice President of RIETS Rabbinic Alumni and as National Director of RZA-Mizrachi. He has a long-standing relationship with the World Zionist Organization (WZO) and works closely with their various departments.
For eighteen years (2003-2021) Rabbi Shloush was a member of the faculty at Yeshiva University’s Stern College for Women. He taught intermediate and advanced level courses in Bible and Judaic Studies.
For seventeen years (2004-2021) he was the Irving I. Stone Director of Rabbinic Internship and Training Program at Yeshiva University’s Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary. In this capacity he was responsible for guiding students with the transition from the world of the Yeshiva to become professionally trained leaders within the Jewish community. His work involved working closely with rabbinic mentors across the tri-State area and around the country.
From 2003-2006 Rabbi Shloush served as the Director of Rabbinic Learning and Enrichment at the Rabbinical Council of America. In this capacity he is credited with the creation and overseeing of the Rabbi Steven M. Dworken Continuing Rabbinic Education program which offered a wide variety of Torah learning and professional development opportunities for nearly one thousand member rabbis around the world.
Rabbi Shloush is a descendant of a long line of distinguished Rabbis. He follows in the path blazed by his father Rabbi Eliahu Shloush (KBY ’65-’69), a respected Rav and scholar. His grandfather, Rabbi David Shloush z”l was the Chief Rabbi of Netanya in Israel for 63 years. His great-grandfather, Rabbi Yosef Shloush z”l, was the Rosh Av Beit Din and Rosh Chevra Kadisha of Jerusalem. He is also the great-grandson of Rav Meir Vaknin z”l, the long-time Chief Rabbi of Tiberias. Rabbi Shloush’s mother, Dr. Rita Shloush was the founder and Head of School of Yeshivat Rambam in Baltimore, MD. Several years ago, she was the recipient of the Jerusalem Prize from the President of the State of Israel.
Rabbi Gideon Shloush was ordained by the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary at Yeshiva University. He also holds an MBA in International Business from Baruch College.
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